Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Month Of Love

I guess many would consider this month, the month of love because of Valentines Day.  Personally, I think every month and day should be filled with love.  You don't have to wait until a holiday comes around to show your mate the love and affection that they deserve.  Just like you eat for the nourishment of your body each day, your heart needs to be nourished with love each day.  Especially from the person that you are involved in a relationship with.  When you get the love, affection, and attention from that special someone in your life, it makes your day feel complete.  For me, it even makes issues and problems seem less stressful and insignificant.  There is no better feeling than knowing that the person you love and care for feels the same way about you.  That is why it is important to let them know on a regular basis how you feel.
So, don't wait until the 14th of this month to tell your mate that you love them or to do something special.  Send them a sweet message or call them now and say that you love them and appreciate them.  If you still want to do the traditional thing and still celebrate on the 14th that's fine, but just make sure that you don't make that the only day you say I love you, or show your love and affection.

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